Thursday, May 30, 2013

“It worked! Of all the places and threads I have been!” Mark exclaimed.- Spidersilk

Book Trailer :

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The new novel Spidersilk from author Akutra-Ramses Atenosis Cea blends of reality, super-reality and technology.

Book Trailer :

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Third Eye

Mark closed his eyes briefly and then opened them again. This time, his third eye opened with them. Suddenly, he could see all sorts of energies.”- Spidersilk

Spidersilk is so complex in more ways than one. In the book we are introduced to a concept referred to as the third eye. Some scientist believe the third eye to be the pineal gland, while others believe it to be a mystical part of the body that can only be unlocked by some. Once unlocked the person is open to their own inner realms and a state of higher consciousness. The Hindu god Shiva actually has a visible third eye, although the eye is generally closed it harbors powers than men could only dream of having. Many ancient cultures even believe that the third eye, one of the seven major chakras, can be accessed better through various yoga moves.

This is a great site for furthering your knowledge on the third eye:

If you'd like to learn more about the chakra check out this site:

Book Trailer :

Thursday, May 23, 2013

“Well, you know it’s my magic essence,” Mark responded, laughing.- Mark in Spidersilk

Book Trailer :

Monday, May 20, 2013


Throughout Spidersilk the main character, Mark, experiences many different types of dreams. In many of the dreams, like with those that involve Tia, Mark feels as if he actually has control over his surroundings. This could be looked at as Mark dimension surfing, but there is also another option. In our reality, there has been many studies and speculations on a sleep state called lucid dreaming. This state actually implies that we are in control of our dreams and are aware of our surroundings the entire time we are supposed to be “unconscious.” Some people who lucid dream even claim to have left their body and experienced an OBE, or Out of Body Experience.

If you want to know more about Lucid Dreaming, check out this article:

Book Trailer :

Thursday, May 16, 2013

"Finally, he thought to himself, It's as if the outside is now reflecting my style here on the inside. Awesome.- Mark in Spidersilk

Book Trailer :

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Link In Dimensions

Throughout the book there is a lot of references to other cultures; such as this little gem:

“The smooth lines on Ramses’s face did not make him appear old. His skin folded in a way that made his face look chiseled and refined, like a block of stone come to life.”- Spidersilk

When you pictured Ramses what did you see in your mind? Was it one of the great Egyptian kings immortalized in stone? Both Ramesses's in Egyptian culture have been immortalized in stone. They will forever look young and chiseled, much like Ramses was featured in the story!

If you'd like a little 411 on these great kings and their images try this cool link:

Book Trailer :

Sunday, May 12, 2013

"You didn't know? Rae is a missing person. He suddenly disappeared along with most of his valuables." - Kara in Spidersilk

Book Trailer :

Thursday, May 9, 2013

“The painted picture was a bit rough, which was probably done on purpose, yet seemed eerily real as if there actually was a way to step through it into the wild jungle.”- Spidersilk

Book Trailer :

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

...there were parts in the game where players would have a distinct advantage while utilizing silent symbolic communication.- Spidersilk

Book Trailer :

Monday, May 6, 2013

Technology, to detox or not?

In the book, one of Mark's friends (Isis) (and a good chunk of other people) disappears for a few days. Luckily, she resurfaces physically unharmed, but confesses she was kidnapped and forced to do a techno detox. Today's society is hard fixed on their gadgets and with advancements happening daily the technology of the future might be even more consuming. How do you feel about techno detoxes and their place in our current culture? Apparently, if you're up for giving it a try there is an actual camp that will unhook you for a few days! Here is a link to the camp article as well as a recent experiment performed for a documentary.

Digital Detox Camp:

Sleeping with Siri documentary:

Book Trailer :

Saturday, May 4, 2013 seemed to stream to and fro all around him and his car, sort of like the wind. Even more surprising was when it seemed to talk. - Spidersilk

Book Trailer :

Friday, May 3, 2013

Interactive/Internet TV

...Mark reached for the mouse on his home entertainment system. Immediately, the TV began displaying the current video news from various Internet news sources. - Spidersilk

At the beginning of the book Mark, it is revealed that Mark doesn't have the typical TV system. Here he has and entertainment multiplex pre-programmed to access ‘various sources’ and content. This could be more interactive or run on a program. Sites like YouTube offer ‘channels’ that categorize content yet Marks idea takes this a bit further.

Similar to Google TV :

Book Trailer :
Solid objects will not keep anyone safe in this conflict.

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Interactive Realms

“…To me, they are real places, real threads in another dimension. Most real things have a design phase.”Mark in Spidersilk.

The MMO game Mark is designing in the beginning of the book include fully interactive side. It includes a internet game piece/component trading and selling as well as real players. The components have a real world texture with aging, value and condition. This game is sort of like an interactive story to be explored by real characters. A lot of MMO have game piece trading and this takes the idea a bit further.

MMO TV/Video Game :

Book Trailer :