Monday, May 27, 2013

The Third Eye

Mark closed his eyes briefly and then opened them again. This time, his third eye opened with them. Suddenly, he could see all sorts of energies.”- Spidersilk

Spidersilk is so complex in more ways than one. In the book we are introduced to a concept referred to as the third eye. Some scientist believe the third eye to be the pineal gland, while others believe it to be a mystical part of the body that can only be unlocked by some. Once unlocked the person is open to their own inner realms and a state of higher consciousness. The Hindu god Shiva actually has a visible third eye, although the eye is generally closed it harbors powers than men could only dream of having. Many ancient cultures even believe that the third eye, one of the seven major chakras, can be accessed better through various yoga moves.

This is a great site for furthering your knowledge on the third eye:

If you'd like to learn more about the chakra check out this site:

Book Trailer :

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