Monday, July 8, 2013

Dreaming the future, or remembering the past?

The novel Spidersilk brings readers into a world that is rich in dreams and other dimensions. Although in reality we don't have a lot of experience about alternative dimensions we do have a lot of experience with dreams. There is one moment in the book where Mark finds a dirt road that he has clearly seen before in his dreams. The idea of it being real isn't surprising to Mark, but it certainly seems to tickle his curiosity. This concept, generally referred to as deja vu affects a large percentage of the population. Over the centuries there have been a lot of studies on the topic of deja vu and many have actually led to the theory of precognitive dreams. This theory supports a lot of deja vu moments many people have, including the moment Mark had. Of course, precognitive dreams have also proved to come true in many famous situations like the Titanic.

To learn more about deja vu and precognitive dreams check out this shiny URL:

Book Trailer :

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